Integrateds: $3K, $4.5K or $5K

I'm building a new system with an integrated amp at its heart. I'm considering Musical Fidelity M6i (200 wpc, $3,000), McIntosh MA5200 (100 wpc, $4500) or Bryston B135 SST2 (135 wpc, $5070 w/ remote).

Will be driving either Totem Element Fire (8 ohms, 88db SPL) or Joseph Audio Pulsar (8 ohms, 85db SPL), both 2-way stand mounts.

Small room (13' x 15', 9' ceiling).

Listening to mostly mainstream rock, R&B, dance/club. Occasional light jazz, Broadway, Sinatra and the like.

Would welcome input from those who've had experience with, or opinions about, any of these amps.

If you are looking for tube amplifier, Sophia Electric has a model named 126-03 that might be a great choice for power, resolution and sound.
If you are considering a McIntosh integrated for your system I'd like to recommend you the MA 6600. I have one and is a great integrated. It has both 8 and 4 ohms outputs. There is one right now for $2800 here at Audiogon.
Jbltmp -

consider Octave from Germany. This integrated is a sonic match for Joseph Audio speakers.
Great suggestions and much appreciated.
I'm trying to keep it simple with this system, going with an integrated and not considering tubed gear.
Some of the speakers I'm beginning to consider are a little inefficient and I may need 200 wpc, which raises the attraction of the Musical Fidelity and limits other options.
Davidantonio - good suggestion on the McIntosh MA6000 at 200 wpc vs the MA5200 at 100 wpc, but a wimpy consideration of mine is to try to keep the weight of the amp something at which I can move around by myself easily, and the 75 lb 6600 (vs 38 lbs for the MA5200) is pushing that limit. But if I do need 200 wpc (and decide to start working out and build up the strength :-) the 6600 would be a candidate. Just wondering why you went with the 6600 and not the 6700 receiver for another $500? You may not use the tuner much, and I probably wouldn't either, but the additional money seems worth it for nothing other than the potential resale value.
Screw integrateds. Get a Job 225 and their new preamp OR wait for their new integrated that's rumored to be in the works. Musical Fidelty?............pAlease.