Integrateds: $3K, $4.5K or $5K

I'm building a new system with an integrated amp at its heart. I'm considering Musical Fidelity M6i (200 wpc, $3,000), McIntosh MA5200 (100 wpc, $4500) or Bryston B135 SST2 (135 wpc, $5070 w/ remote).

Will be driving either Totem Element Fire (8 ohms, 88db SPL) or Joseph Audio Pulsar (8 ohms, 85db SPL), both 2-way stand mounts.

Small room (13' x 15', 9' ceiling).

Listening to mostly mainstream rock, R&B, dance/club. Occasional light jazz, Broadway, Sinatra and the like.

Would welcome input from those who've had experience with, or opinions about, any of these amps.

Wow, Devilboy - beautiful, erudite, and certainly learned prose and opinion there. You immaculately addressed the OP's question with your carefully proofread response.

I think the spelling is "Puh-lease...", btw.
How about looking into the LSA Group's LSA integrated amp (formerly the DK Designs amp), available in Standard ($2490), Signature ($2999), and Statement ($3799) versions? Available Internet Direct from Underwood Hi-Fi. When dealer-networked, these same amps were quite a bit more expensive, and well-reviewed at those prices. Example: The Standard version was $3200 in 2006 and a Stereophile Recommended Component. Other reviews abound.
Simao, forgive me for lacking a shred of eloquence or verbal dexterity while
expressing my opinion regarding the OP's inquiry of amplification under
his consideration.......whew.
I was merely voicing my satisfaction of the Job line and while doing so,
mentioned the release of the new Job integrateds early next year which will
probably be on the low end of OP's price range saving him a few bucks.
Happy New Year and good luck Jbltmp!
I think you should finalize your speaker choice first, otherwise you're just spinning your wheels here. I know Joseph Audio has used the Hegel H300 with the Pulsars at shows once or twice. I didn't get to hear that pairing, but I bet it sounded pretty damn good. Pulsars are high on my list as well, as would be the H300 if I was in the market for an integrated. Best of luck.
@devilboy- touché. I was being overly snarky. I just find it über-muddying when someone doesn't just suggest a tangent to the OP, but diverges from it altogether. And I've never heard any of the Job line before, what draws you to it?

@Johnny- yes, the LSA line is incredible. I have the Statement and will never give it up until a younger, thinner model comes along. I'd compare it to the Ayre 5 or 7.