Integrateds: $3K, $4.5K or $5K

I'm building a new system with an integrated amp at its heart. I'm considering Musical Fidelity M6i (200 wpc, $3,000), McIntosh MA5200 (100 wpc, $4500) or Bryston B135 SST2 (135 wpc, $5070 w/ remote).

Will be driving either Totem Element Fire (8 ohms, 88db SPL) or Joseph Audio Pulsar (8 ohms, 85db SPL), both 2-way stand mounts.

Small room (13' x 15', 9' ceiling).

Listening to mostly mainstream rock, R&B, dance/club. Occasional light jazz, Broadway, Sinatra and the like.

Would welcome input from those who've had experience with, or opinions about, any of these amps.

@devilboy- touché. I was being overly snarky. I just find it über-muddying when someone doesn't just suggest a tangent to the OP, but diverges from it altogether. And I've never heard any of the Job line before, what draws you to it?

@Johnny- yes, the LSA line is incredible. I have the Statement and will never give it up until a younger, thinner model comes along. I'd compare it to the Ayre 5 or 7.
Simao, to my ears, the Job has tremendous "air" around instruments, and is very transparent. Its low noise floor brings out subtle nuances from deep in the soundstage. It has the warmest, most believable midrange and most articulate and tightest bass from any amplifier I've owned. It is easily superior to my EAR 890 and Dynaco ST-70 rebuild which are pretty amazing in their own right. There is a lengthy thread on the Job 225 here on A'gon contributed by very happy owners.

It was not my intention to derail the OP's thread, just to provide another option to the integrateds he was considering. If I posted a similar thread I would gladly welcome alternatives.

I heard one of the LSA integrateds at a friend's house a couple of years ago. It was ok, but didn't excite me too much. To each, his own. I guess that's why they make vanilla and chocolate.
Hey Devilboy, is this inside info on the JOB integrated? Their website just state a new preamp and mono amps. Don't get me wrong, I hope you are right, it would be a high value integrated sonics wise.
A friend told me he heard about Job releasing an integrated next year. I haven't been on the Job website in a while.
hegel's are awesome integrated's. They have the new ones that just replaced last years models so there are many being offered on the net. I personally went with Ayre last month and LOVE it. I feel it's more of everything. It's the most tube like, but with all the goodness of SS. The extremes are natural and extended. Having Proacs, I can hear the limits of an amps sound staging and I can tell if they image properly. The Ayre's do this better than any integrateds I've heard. Some will sound deeper, but it's not as accurate and teh Ayre does go that low.

That said, everyone else likes what they have best or they wouldn't have it. This is the most important thing about hi fi. We all hear differently. All amps will behave differently with different cables and speakers as well as front ends.

Based on your speakers, my ears liked the Ayre AX7, Hegel 200 and MF amps best. All were using AQ cables throughout the systems. All were Rock series I believe.