This should be simple and probably will yield nice results, but when I did mine I got several tips on how to do this correctly so as with everything in audio nothing is ever simple. Some of the tips I got in case they're helpful:
- Run the lines off the same leg to help avoid ground loops
- Run each line completely back to the box and do not share a neutral bus
- Use at least 12 gauge Romex -- 10 gauge is better but reportedly tough to work with
- Might want to run 20-amp lines just in case
- Buy some high-quality outlets (i.e. Porter ports, etc.) if you don't already have them
I honestly don't even know what the first two mean, but according to several 'goners they're important and my electrician would not have done it this way on his own. I'm in north Jersey and mine cost upwards of $300 including materials. Hope this helps and best of luck.