McCormack , Aragon or Forte

I have a pair of Apogee centaur minors , Spica TC50's and Spica Angelus speakers, What would you recommend as an amp/preamp combo. I have kimber cables and going toward streaming.
thanks for your guidance
Years ago I had a Forte model 3 (200 watts)with Dahlquest DQ 10's and it was outstanding!It was a Fet amp with tubelike sound!
I believe the Forte 3 is the same as the Forte 1 which is lower rail voltage and pure Class A to 50w. And is only Fet input but BJT (bi-polar) output, Nelson kindly posted the circuit diagram here.

Cheers George
Whatever ,it was still a great sounding amp!
And cheers to you!
Thank you everyone.I purchased a McCormack DNA .5 and RDL-1 and will let you know.