Tube preamp for SS amp

6922, 6H30 or 6SN7 decisions decisions. What sounds good to me might not sound so good to somebody else....I get it, but is there a tube preamp/solid state amp that is not a good match sonically (running a pass labs x250.5 and bryston 4bsst2). I can drive 2hrs and audition some ACR equipment however that's it. Everything else would be purchased out of state and most places will have to special order something else in (ie modwright ls100, cj ET3SE, audible illusions...) and will only take the equipment back for store credit.
Chad2635, My pleasure.

The ART and ACT 2.2 are very quiet. They are line stage only so I can't speak for CJ's phono stages. I do run an outboard phono stage thru the ART and it sounds great (and quiet).

In my previous post I meant to type that I use "15" foot rca interconnects. Somehow a "1" became an exclamation mark. Hate when that happens. :-)
A friend of mine has an Act 2 and it is very quiet. His system has speakers that are 105 db/w efficient, so they reveal the smallest amount of noise in the amplification chain and he has no noise issues with this linestage.
to Atmasphere...
Very important point regarding Output Impedance at the lower frequencies. But the preamp spec sheets I've seen never state how their output impedance was measured.
Should we assume that it's at 1000Hz unless otherwise indicated?