OK, initially I wanted to stay out of this discussion; but I see that on 12/28 the OP asked specifically about the Audio Horizons tube buffer. I own the TB 5.0, with upgrades. Designer Joseph Chow customized it into a combination tube buffer and TP 8.0 phono preamp. In other words he put two boxes into one.
A little history: despite a few negative opinions I embarked on the tube buffer path some time ago ... first starting with the low cost Yaqin, then Music Fidelity X10 (?) and finally settling on the AH 5.0 tube buffer. With the first two, there was some improvement, with the AH 5.0 offering the kind of flexibility (via tube rolling) and sound quality that I was seeking. I have it placed between solid state pre/pro and Channel Island monoblocks. IMHO this tube buffer is not only quiet but also fairly transparent.
I've owned this unit a few years now and can only see upgrade to AH TP2.x series - a tube preamp with HT bypass. Right now the main obstacle to making that move is purely economic. It will be interesting to see how much improvement results from installing the Audio Horizons flagship preamp versus the tube buffer. I will be pleasantly surprised if the improvement is significant. In other words I could live with the SQ as it is; but we always want that extra 2% ... don't we?
Audio Horizons has a limited trial program. Or you could purchase outright and see how you like it in your own system and in your own listening environment. In the end ... doesn't that count a whole lot more than what others have to say?
DISCLOSURES: 1) I am the "Strateahed" listed among the testimonials on the Audio Horizons website; I have no financial interests or other incentives from the company; I wholeheartedly stand by my statement(s).
2) Had I known more about the HT bypass option available from some tube preamp manufacturers at the time, I would have likely gone that route instead.