Integrated with good preamp & pre out

OK maybe an odd approach but that's why I am posting. I love the sound of my upgraded McIntosh MC250 but am so-so on my Acurus pre and others I have tried have not worked for various reasons...lack of inputs, wife's fear of tubes, tube heat, lack of impact, too bright etc. I have looked at various Mac pres but the better ones are out of range right now as I retired due to reasons out of my control. I also am pushed for space and with little chance of that changing. It occurred to me maybe there is a good integrated amp out there with a good pre in it that could be my pre AND a backup integrated. I can't go over$1k. I have seen Creek, Rega, YBA, others that could work on Agon but know nothing about these. Anyone else used an integrated this way and found a gem to recommend?
My favs are Peachtree Nova 125 and the Exposure S2010.
Both can be had in that price range give or take a few.
Second Yahoochaz' recommendation on the Marantz PM 8004. If your looking for a gem, this is it. At 1k list, this is no ordinary Marantz. It is built at their reference factory in Japan, boasts 70 wpc in 8 ohms, +100 damping factor, +25 amps peak current and weighs hefty 27 lbs. It can be used as a preamp, power or standalone integrated. I once heard one driving 10k Sonus Faber Cremona M's to some very impressive levels. Check out this model.
Thanks for all the responses. I have had other Marantz equipment back in the 70s and it was mostly solid. Wish I had held onto some of the receivers...good sound and sort of eye candy. Felt I had to go to separates and switched. At the time I worked for the distributor in HI. He actually had some of the really old tube equipment that he offered me....THAT I really missed out on. I remember the 8004 got lots of good reviews. I will check it out. Thanks for reminding me.