Usher CP-6311 Tube Amp Recommendation

I know everyone has their own thoughts and ideas on any subject and I am probably opening up a "can of worms". I am looking for a tube amplifier recommendation to work well with my Usher CP-6311 speakers. Usher recommends using them with a solid state amp, but I am possibly looking to venture into the world of tubes. My current setup includes: Balanced Audio Technologies (BAT) VK-30 tube preamp, Acurus 100 X 3 solid state amp (remaining from my home theater setup), Thorens TD125 MKII turntable with SME 3009 arm, Acurus CD player, Usher CP-6311 two way speakers. I appreciate your suggestions. Thanks

I am in a market for a good tube amp as well, currently I have Usher 6381 and used to drive it odyssey, as I want to take my time to get good tube amp, for the time being I ordered musical paradise 301 mk3 with extra tubes total cost around $450 including shipping, and I am really surprised withy the way it drives usher 6381, I am happy with this small amp with el34 tubes, and it will give me some time to look at the other options.

I just picked up a Sonic Frontiers Power 1 running KT120's on Audiogon. I am very happy as well with the soundstage and the 55 Watts tube power. So far it seems to work very well. Just as loud as my Acurus 100X3 I have been using, and it sounds nicer.
I used to have the cp-6381's and now have the new mini dancer 2's with DMD and I have used the rogue Cronus magnum integrated with the it-120 tubes. Fantastic! Enough power to drive either of these harder to drive speakers and the cp-6311 are easier to drive.
CP-6311 are not hard to drive. I've heard them very successfully driven by a PrimaLuna ProLogue Two, so the better PrimaLuna amps would work very well. A wide variety of tube amps should drive these fairly easily.

Disclosure: We're dealers for both Usher and PrimaLuna
I have a pair of usher 6311's and at the bottom of the speakers is a place where there are 6 screws and I took that off and found an empty cavity is this a place to put lead shots or something to dampen the speaker does anyone know? There is nothing in the bottom just empty space so is this area designed to put lead shot into ..Thank you could anyone tell me is this what the purpose 
this opening is for otherwise ......Robert   ..... Please reply