Usher CP-6311 Tube Amp Recommendation

I know everyone has their own thoughts and ideas on any subject and I am probably opening up a "can of worms". I am looking for a tube amplifier recommendation to work well with my Usher CP-6311 speakers. Usher recommends using them with a solid state amp, but I am possibly looking to venture into the world of tubes. My current setup includes: Balanced Audio Technologies (BAT) VK-30 tube preamp, Acurus 100 X 3 solid state amp (remaining from my home theater setup), Thorens TD125 MKII turntable with SME 3009 arm, Acurus CD player, Usher CP-6311 two way speakers. I appreciate your suggestions. Thanks

I am in a market for a good tube amp as well, currently I have Usher 6381 and used to drive it odyssey, as I want to take my time to get good tube amp, for the time being I ordered musical paradise 301 mk3 with extra tubes total cost around $450 including shipping, and I am really surprised withy the way it drives usher 6381, I am happy with this small amp with el34 tubes, and it will give me some time to look at the other options.

I just picked up a Sonic Frontiers Power 1 running KT120's on Audiogon. I am very happy as well with the soundstage and the 55 Watts tube power. So far it seems to work very well. Just as loud as my Acurus 100X3 I have been using, and it sounds nicer.
I used to have the cp-6381's and now have the new mini dancer 2's with DMD and I have used the rogue Cronus magnum integrated with the it-120 tubes. Fantastic! Enough power to drive either of these harder to drive speakers and the cp-6311 are easier to drive.
CP-6311 are not hard to drive. I've heard them very successfully driven by a PrimaLuna ProLogue Two, so the better PrimaLuna amps would work very well. A wide variety of tube amps should drive these fairly easily.

Disclosure: We're dealers for both Usher and PrimaLuna