
Has anyone here used the Sanders-Magtech amp or preamp with Magnepan 3.6 & what are your thoughts on this.
Even though the 3.6 are a fairly benign 4ohm constant load, they still like a bit of current driven into them, and the Magtech is right up there for them.

Quote from Stereophile's tests confirm this:
"Approximates a resistive load of around 4 ohms over much of the audioband. However, there is a slight magnitude peak centered at 1.6kHz, due to the crossover between the ribbon and the midrange diaphragm. The minimum value is 3.3 ohms at 10kHz, which is not going to be problem for any good amplifier to drive"

Cheers George
Not familiar with the pre, but bought the amp on many recommendations here when I got my 3.7's...First amp died due to a couple of parts touching, something that Roger had modified in his latest version. He replaced the amp, instead of repairing it, to get me going, as it was only a week or so old. Great sound, makes the 3.7's really sing. Had a 200 w Gamut before and just not enough power. Don't think you will be disappointed. A great product at a reasonable price, and a great guy to deal with.
In direct comparison to a pair of Bryston 7bSST2's the magtech was a little darker, almost felt as though it was missing something. I know own a Pass Labs X350 with my 3.7's and am happy.