Primaluna-TungSol KT120s in triode mode

Anyone have experience with this? I have a Dialogue 2 and enjoy triode mode and wondered how these would sound. I Have used kt88s, el34s (SED winged c) and gold lion KT-77s and am currently diggin' the KT-77s. Prefer open, airy, natural detail. All pre tubes in Dialogue are Mullard and GE NOS. Thank you for your time! Rest of system is: Scout 1.1 with Soundsmith Zephyr, Audio Electronics DJH phono preamp (nos tubes) and MartinLogan EM ESLs.
Charles1Dad and Reynolds853, thanks to both of you gentlemen, and you both have very nice systems!! I truly appreciate the advice. Thanks again.

Thank you too for your kind comments. Regardless of how you end up configuring your system I hope it brings you many hours of happy listening.
