Upgradying Tube Preamp

I currently have a AES AE-3 DJH Preamplifier linking together my Metrum Hex DAC and Pass Labs x150.5 Amp. I think the pre is obviously the weakest link in my chain, but at the same time I'm reluctant to upgrade it. I guess I'm of the school that a preamp doesn't matter as much as the amp or the DAC. Could anyone share their opinions on this? In what ways (sound qualities) could I really upgrade the Pre, and if so which ones would you recomend?

You most definately need to upgrade your preamp, I have owned the same AES preamp and was dissapointed with its sonics. In fact it spent the least amount of time before selling it.
I agree with Jmcgrogan2. The linestage in my experience is the most critical piece of electronics in the system. In the past few decade I have had the privilege of trying out a mumber of Phono preamps, linestages and power amps. There were a number of phono stages and power amps that I could have lived with, but only two linestages were acceptable. The others had such strong colorations that I was unable to ignore them. Not so with the phono preamps or power amps. They all have colorations but they were not as intrusive.

I haven't heard the AE-3 but I spent a couple weeks with its big brother the Cary SLP-95, and while the Cary wasn't a bad sounding preamp it did have some strong character, I.e . Colorations. There are certainly more neutral linestages on the market.
I agree wholeheartedly with Jmcgrogan2 the preamp is the heart of a system. A preamp can hold back or bring your system to a different level.

Of course all things in the chain are important, but without a good preamp your system won't shine.

Your preamp has nice tone, but doesn't have the resolution for your other components to open up and show what they are capable of, IMHO
The linestage is important to drive an amp to its full
potential and provide a way to select between sources unless
you have only one source. But more importantly it should
sound good with your current setup. Unfortunately there is
no clear way to cut to the chase, and "sometimes"
one has to resort to trial and error.

I have heard several Cary products and liked them a great
deal but the AES was not one of them. I think most of us can
generally agree on what sounds good and tube rolling has the
potential to improve this sound but there are products out
there that you can spend alot of money upgrading, however
they are not engineered properly nor do they provide the
proper foundation to benefit from these improvements.

I purchased a chinese tube preamp one time and asked a well
known designer to upgrade it, his response was " what
would you have me do to it? I read between the lines and
buried the idea.

I recommend an Audible Illusions L1 or the M3a if you need
phono and or if you can find one, you can't go wrong.
EXCELLENT SONICS for the money!
I am also in the preamp being the most important camp....it has been for me. The preamp has the most affect on the tone of the signal and when you get it right you know right away. In conjunction with that I have also found the cable connection that makes the biggest difference (although they all matter) is the preamp to amp connection.

Get those two things right and you are more than halfway there IMHO.