Can my MC275 power speakers with 91db sensitivity

I am looking to buy some songs faber cremona speakers with the following specs:

91 dB SPL (2,83 V/1m).

4 ohm.

I have the most recent MC275. Would my amp have enough power?
So it is Cremona M that you are considering. Much easier to drive than the original Cremona, which is what Al originally discussed.

Here is a thread with a guy who successfully used MC275 with Cremona M.

Cremona M with MC275
Thanks Al, I guess I won't be doing that anymore ! Elegal, regarding your last post, your description of what you are looking for is very well said, and coincidentally mirrors my own. I have only heard SF speakers in the stores (never at home), and they always sounded great. But also I would highly recommend you check out Harbeth SHL5 with your amplifier, as well, before you pull the trigger. Highly engaging, musically. Best of luck.
Thank you Jimmy615, and thank you Al, who has sent me on the new research task of trying to fully understand his answers...definitely the most informative answers I have received and very helpful.