Pass Labs Point 8 Series info

The latest info from Nelson Pass!

Looks Great!
Hi Kiddman,
I would be one of the last to ever accuse Pass of any unfair practices. On the contrary, based on my admittedly limited experience with them, I am very impressed and agree they do seem to be a "good guy" companies.

I just pointed out that when dealing with a limited supply of parts, raising the price is one way to make the old parts last longer. In my book, that's fair and just sound economics. (of course, as long as it is done in a practical way and not "gouging," which is a different thing that what we are talking about here).

In fact I believe the current new prices have this built in already, so I wouldn't expect them to raise prices much in the future.

However, to call any $10,000 amplifier (fundamentally based on quite old and basic consumer electronics technology) a "bargain" borders on the ridiculous. I'm looking at the big picture.
Re: my "bargain" statement, I will firmly stand behind it. Everything is about context. When we are talking about this level of equipment, the context is the performance level and build quality of Pass relative to other high end equipment of similar sonic and overall quality. In this context it does look like a bargain. Let's take the 350.5. Tremendous power, yet sonic quality that significantly more expensive and less powerful amps have a hard time approaching.

Either the Pass is a bargain, relatively, or much of the competition is ridiculously overpriced. Half full or half empty. I'm not interested in semantic debates. I think you knew from where I was coming without this clarification.

If the amp is based on what you consider "old and basic consumer electronics technology" then I'm assuming you have a high level of expertise in electrical engineering. And if the word "bargain" is "ridiculous" then you must know about costs and profit structures of manufacturing. I would guess you should be able to come up with better at a significantly lower price, and if you do I'll call it an "uberbargain".
What I asked was ".. is this line getting seriously expensive?"
300 Watts per channel $85K
30 Watts per channel $6.5K

For $85K one can buy a fairly decent new Mercedes Benz.

I never suggested that they weren't good, just that they were starting to get expensive. That's all. Yes, I know they aren't the most expensive and yet can compete with those that are more expensive. Still, IMHO the price tags are starting to look a little high. YMMV.
I agree, but you could say the same for other high end firms. Such as FM Acoustics, don't even get me started with them!
Unsound,why are you looking at the top of the line luxury components from Pass and feeling negative when fabulous, extremely high performance is available, with giant power levels, below $15k? Who cares about "average price tag" if fantastic performance can be had from them at a fraction of top of the line?

And, as far as that 30 watt $6.5k amp, listen to it. You won't believe it. And it has well over 100 watts of power in reality.