Classe' DR-6 MKI vs MKII


I wish to buy an old Classe' DR-6 to drive my Jeff Rowland Model One and my ML Aerius. I wish to know if the last DR-6 version (balanced inputs and outputs) reflects a true balanced design and the overall quality of the sound respect to the first DR-6 version (balanced outputs only).

Thank you for your help.


There are also many older threads here from listeners who much preferred the DR series...
My point is simply you need to listen to the different versions yourself.
J135, I am not disputing what you hear.

My former dealer was one of the original and largest Classe dealers back when Dave Reich got started. He was also a Classe dealer when Glen Grue took over the company and forced Reich out. He was my source of information, plus I owned a lot of Classe equipment.

Grue was a marketing guy who saw a need to generate publicity without incurring the expense of a complete product overhaul, therefore, he decided to re-brand the existing line with new cosmetics and leverage his advertising budget to garnish “new” reviews. He also understood the power of suggestion in that if you claim a new and improved version, people will buy into the premise.

Yes, I would recommend to the OP to audition the pre in question, but I would not get too hung up on the “version” as they all have a very very similar sound.
Thank you very much for your answers!

I already own a Classe' DR-5, which is a good preamplifier but I find that its sound is a bit too bright. I also own a JRDG Synergy 1, which is a fabulous piece with a very natural voice, but, by contrast, it seems to lack energy in some cases.

A friend of mine has then suggested me to search for the DR-6, as he told me that it may represent the right compromise between the two.
Also try a Rowland Capri. I owned the original, have not heard the Series 2.