Manley Snapper Mono's ur thoughts - PLEASE :

Today I just Sold My New Decware Zen TorII MK4 Tube amp and just purchased a set of Manley Labs Snapper Mono Blocks. Any one hear/use/own/know anything about these? I will be using them with Electrostatic Speakers, Martinlogan Spires and I would love any basic thoughts/Feedback about these. I have never heard them and going on my gut/faith in the brand based on what I have read and my love for the Manley 35 Watt mono's I own. Thank you very much for your time ...
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
They are great amps. Clear, clean, powerful, rocking.
Owned them twice. Awesome for rock. Very driving sound. Very rhythmic.
Only sold them (twice) because I ultimately preferred my Canary CA339 monoblocks with their fifty watts of 300B push pull power over them.
Would still think about re-buying them.
I have them, great amps, wonderfully dynamic, warm mids and easy on the ear. Plus they are dead quiet and do not hum. Having said that, I use them to drive Thiels and am going to move up to Neo-Classic 250s soon. By far these are the best tube amps I have ever owned, I just want a little more oomph for these tough to drive speakers.