Which one better choice?

Dear friends, I have power amp C J MV-60 SE and preamp C J PV 9A and

speaker ProAc - D25. now I'm looking for another power amp for switch

around, anybody have some experience or idea which one better for me

between PASS LABS X250 and CLASSE CA300 ? Thank you for all . Sean
.(( this amp has an input impedance of 22kohm))
Rings out more like 15 k, would work but not ideal.
Most tube pre amps operate better up at 100K input imp.
Like I said any CJ amp or ARC amp will fit.
ARC SS amps are generally designed to work well with tube pre-amps, since that is ARCs specialty, so I like the idea of going with a company that addresses use with tube gear well, and ARC is ALWAYS a rock solid choice.