Honey I Shrunk The Krells

I just got back from the Krell website. Their largest new monoblock is rated at 575 wpc @ 8 ohms and weighs 85 lbs. That's about half the power rating and half the weight of their previous flagship monoblocks.

I've seen the trend in smaller amplifiers emerging...but not Krell too!
That's it! I give up! There is no hope for this country anymore! Not when Krell amps weigh less than I do!! USA used to make monster amps...now just look at what we've become......sigh.
@ Bill_K, very good explanation, I could not have done better myself, I tried to say the new krell amps were suppose to be class A operation, only to be told that this was nothing new, that the new amps must be clas A/B to operate the way they do.