George, again with respect, all your last post tells me is that the Levinson amp is a Constant Voltage Paradigm amp which doubles watts as ohms halves. Your post also states that the Levinson can deliver power into a near short, .5 ohms.
But that doesn't answer my question. I'll restate it -- did the designers of ML and QUAD ESLs design these speakers with the expectation that they would be driven by a SS - Voltage Paradign or tube Power Paradigm amp?? Put aside the difficulty of the load and the amp's ability to drive the beast.
Just simply what did the designers have in mind -- low output impedance (say less than .1 ohms) SS or "high'ish" output impedance (say 3 or 4 ohms or more) tube?? Once we get this answewr, then we can start to respond to the OP's Q.
But that doesn't answer my question. I'll restate it -- did the designers of ML and QUAD ESLs design these speakers with the expectation that they would be driven by a SS - Voltage Paradign or tube Power Paradigm amp?? Put aside the difficulty of the load and the amp's ability to drive the beast.
Just simply what did the designers have in mind -- low output impedance (say less than .1 ohms) SS or "high'ish" output impedance (say 3 or 4 ohms or more) tube?? Once we get this answewr, then we can start to respond to the OP's Q.