Sadly missed manufacturers

I've been an audio and music enthusiast since the 1970's. We've all seen a fair number of companies come and go. Some burned brightly for a while, some not at all, and some companies are still present but only in name as they otherwise bear no resemblance to their ancestors.

Are there any companies you are sad to have seen disappear?

l can name a few former luminaries that are now gone- Counterpoint, Apogee. Both offered very good products, but unfortunately neither offered bullet proof reliability. I am of mixed feelings of the various Carver companies. I think Carver, the man, is capable of producing some genuinely first rate products but I viewed much of the marketing as smoke and mirrors which to me detracts from a manufacturer's credibility.
I agree with Tis49, and in that same vain: "Yes, there is a company named..." Thiel and Krell.
I would also suggest Dunlavy and TacT.
Worked at a TV & Stereo store in the late 70s and have some fond memories of these brands. They were kind of mainstream vs. audiophile brands but sure were fun to play with after the boss went home in the evenings:

Sansui (old guys will remember the 9090DB)
Technics (by Panasonic)
Mitsubishi (anyone remember that cool looking vertical turntable with linear tracking arm?)
Yankee ribon Was this speaker ever made and did he ever sell one? I doubt it. VMPS, Altis Audio (Howard Mandel), Timbre Technology (David Goldstein), MFA tube amps (Scott Frankland & Bruce Moore), Electron Kinetics Eagle Amplifier, Forsel, Aranov Audio Tube amps and preamps.