Just a bit to bright

I've been listening to my entry level system for almost a year now and while overall I am happy with the sound quality, it sounds just a bit too bright at times. My components are an NAD 326BEE integrated amp, Onkyo C7030 CD player, Sonos Connect for streaming Spotify, and Speaker Design Works MiniStatements speakers.(DIY)

I have not noticed any significant difference between CDs or streaming music sources so I feel like if I wanted to find a sound that is not as bright, I need to consider changes at the integrated amplifier. Since I built my speakers and feel proud of them and their sound, at this point I'd like to try and find the sound I'm looking for with these speakers. I do understand, it is possible that someday.... they may become a component that needs to be changed.

So my thoughts are, try a different integrated amp, try a different amp and use the NAD as a preamp, find a preamp and use the NAD for an amp, or try a class d audio amp... claiming to have a warm tube like sound.

My question is do I just need to jump in and try one of the above?

Which component (not the speakers) would likely have the biggest impact on a system that is a bit too bright?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

You can never solve the flaws in products with purchases of components that have their own severe colorations in the other directions. These are all distortions and they don't cancel out, they add up.

Yes- he is quite right. If you try to fix one coloration with another, you go right down the rabbit hole.
Nonetheless, if you have bright speakers, you must do something. Some choose to not sell, and there are other options beside components with "severe colorations".
Runnin has it right. Get rid of the stranded speaker cable. If that doesn't do it, you will have to kill the tweeter with a resistor. Contact the manufacturer for recommendations.