What is going on

The prices that sellers are asking for speakers and equipment is stupid.. What is going on?.. Is there no shame? 5 year old equipment and the asking price is 250.00 less than new retail price.. This can't just be me... Why buy used?.. I don't get it..
Don't know where you are getting your numbers, but IMO most of what really sells goes for about 50-60% of original MSRP. That's what I expect to pay, maybe a bit more if it's near new and vary much in demand, but otherwise 50%. I have bought and sold quite a lot of gear at that price!
Twb2 is correct,used gear generally sells for 50% of its new price. But lets keep its real, some of the asking prices I see on Audiogon lately are extremely inflated, as if the seller was trying to retire soon after the sale. Items that are familiar to most of us members that have been active for the past few years have noticed that these items are priced much higher than they used to be. Here is my advice, you want to sell in these tougher economic times try asking a more sensible price.
Also I believe that Unsound is correct and the newbies also contribute to inflated prices by their own perceptions.
So what Phd? Sure, there are high ball sellers and low ball buyers. That is not just Audiogon, or this hobby, that is life in general. The seller is allowed to ask whatever they want, and a buyer is free to offer whatever they choose. I guess there have been enough threads about lowball buyers, so a thread about highball sellers is due I suppose. The bottom line is as a buyer, you cannot make the seller offer what you want at your price anymore than the seller can make the buyer pay what he wants. So what is the point?

What is going on? Life. Nothing new here.
Jmcgrogan2, yes that is true, the seller can ask whatever
they want, don't mean they will get it. Most rational
thinkers will do their homework before making a purchase.
How many times have you seen an older item selling for
almost the new price, add a few more dollars and get it
brand new with warranty. One time I purchased a power cord
(quite a while ago) for three hundred, found out afterwards
I could of bought it brand new for the same price, it was at
that point I realized and embrace the saying "Buyer

I have always been reasonable about my asking price, wanting
to pass on a good deal to someone else, even if I lose a few
dollars along the way. But it is a little unsettling when
your selling for fourth of the new retail price and an offer
comes in for half that. Never the less I still have faith in
Audiogon for selling & buying and its membership.

Look out for Craigslist at times. Purchased a side by side
refrigerator from a lady who lived in a very nice estate,
had people remodeling her home when I arrived. Asked her to
plug it in, she said she didn't have a receptacle close. But
stated she was very honest, it worked, and it only takes one
bad apple to spoil the bunch. Her workers even loaded the
fridge up for me. Got it home, didn't even get cold, tried
calling but she kept hanging up. She was easy to get hold of
during the sale but impposible to reach afterwards.