Is the BAlabo BC-1 MKII Preamp the reigning King?

Tube vs. Solid State...Tube vs. Solid State...Zzzzzzzzzz...
Those days are over. Several years ago both Robert Harley and Jonathan Valin reviewed and Amp and Preamp from a company out of Scotts Valley, CA. called BAlabo, (Bridge Audio Laboratory}. After extended listening sessions Harley and Valin concluded that the BAlabo BC-1 MKII Preamp and the BP-1 MKII amp are the worlds finest sounding products
and what they heard was the greatest listening experience of their entire careers. They concluded that their is no tube or solid state product anywhere on planet earth that even comes close to the performance level of these products.
Tubes have that special liquid, lush, blooming midrange and the BAlabo does all tubes will do but on a much higher, superior level from their solid state designs. Curious if any Philes out there own or have experienced these products.
The listeners who are inclined to proclaim their audio system sounds better than unamplified live performers is to a degree understandable. If you prefer what's come to be known as the ultra detail-information-resolution presentation (some would say "accurate" ). If this is your standard then live acoustic instruments will indeed sound different in comparison. These insrruments will be warmer, richer and fuller in tonality and body than the "accurate" sound some have become use to hearing. Components that closely mimic the live and more saturated sound would be perceived as colored and embellished. It depends on what type of sound is the listener's standard of reference (template). These two camps will definitely go in opposing directions when choosing their components.
Charles is right too. These people may use their own ears to judge but are ones that usually don't go to live events.
Here's a post from an unsatified Halcro user. The best indeed! How can an amplifier lay claim to state of the art when it doesn't "thump" or "shake the walls" which is the sign of a great amplifier. I have a sneaking suspicion that this is the standard of all too many people who believe they understand what this stuff is all about, but who am I to judge?