Needless to say that my opinions are strictly based on personal
encountersand everyone's experience is unique. Prior to using my SET
amp I used a custom built PP amplifier (Response Audio Bella Extreme V
cap version) by Bill Baker (Purity Audio).This is a100 watt/60 watt triode
with 6550 or KT88. This and a friend's VAC Phi 300.1 were the best
sounding PP I've listened to compared to ARC, VTL, Quicksilver, Rogue etc.
What I came to realize is that regardless of the PP amplifier they just didn't
have the "thereness" presence or ultimate realism I get
convincingly with a proper SET -speaker match. In my case it was an easy
and in all probability permanent change. Of course your outcome may be
different from mine. I really enjoyed my Bella Exreeme PP amplifier until I
got the Frankenstein amplifier and directly compared them.
Needless to say that my opinions are strictly based on personal
encountersand everyone's experience is unique. Prior to using my SET
amp I used a custom built PP amplifier (Response Audio Bella Extreme V
cap version) by Bill Baker (Purity Audio).This is a100 watt/60 watt triode
with 6550 or KT88. This and a friend's VAC Phi 300.1 were the best
sounding PP I've listened to compared to ARC, VTL, Quicksilver, Rogue etc.
What I came to realize is that regardless of the PP amplifier they just didn't
have the "thereness" presence or ultimate realism I get
convincingly with a proper SET -speaker match. In my case it was an easy
and in all probability permanent change. Of course your outcome may be
different from mine. I really enjoyed my Bella Exreeme PP amplifier until I
got the Frankenstein amplifier and directly compared them.