6922 Issues / Recommendations

I have a pair of Quicksilver Mid-Monos. After shutdown one of the amps produce a static noise through the speaker. Last night while shutting down in the dark I noticed some arcing inside the 6922 driver tube. I am assuming that this is the source of my problem.

My output tube are EH-KT88 and are about one year old. Based on past experience these tubes tend to last 2 years. The 6922 are the originals that came with the amp when I bought them new more than 4 years ago, they are Sovtek.

I guess I should swap tubes between amps to be sure to find the culprit. One more note, the amps play fine when on the problem only occurs after shutting off the power.

If my assumption is correct and I need to replace the 6922, what tubes do you recommend. Budget would be up to 100$.
You can obtain the Russian Rocket Logo's directly from sellers on e-bay. These tubes are even better after croying (it smooths them out somewhat and they soound more open to boot).
Thanks for the recommendations. In the end I heeded Bojack's, JPerry's and Mechans advice and I spoke with Mike Sanders.

I am really glad I did, he suggested that I change the input tubes as wells as the drivers. The end result was well worth the wait, everything sounds a lot tighter and more focused.
Hi Ptmconsulting,

Any suggestions on where to get tubes cryo-ed? I have 50 of those Rockets, more than enough for a few experiments.

There's a ton of cryo places around. I piggy-backed on another local audiophile's order, so I don't remember the place we used.

I think the one characteristic you want to see in their process is a slow warm up, like over a 24 hour period.