What was your first 'hi-end' system?

Late 1980's-

Magnepan SMGa
Adcom GFA-545
Adcom GTP-500II
Thorens TD-166 Mk. IV
Shure V15 Type 5 MR
Technics CD player, model unknown

Within 3 years that morphed into the following

Magnepan MG2.6R
Bryston 4B
Bryston .5B
Rega Planar 3
Linn K9
Cal Icon

A lovely simple system:

Kenwood LO7C
Advent Powered Loudspeakers
Sony PSX75

Then a friend got an LP12 and it was all over for me.
When I was 6 in 1978 I got a big Philips 'tube' stereo recorder from my Dad. I remember the smell of the tubes when I started it.
In the late '70s/early '80s, I used Kef Corelli speakers with Audire electronics and a Dual 'table.
I just thought of another early system...hooking my Altec A7s (look 'em up) I used in the 70s for live band stuff to my KLH system sounded amazing...rare, but man...something about those Altecs was so sweet.
Obviously "hi-end" is relative:

Early 70s - Minerva receiver, Webcor turntable w/nickle tonearm tweak, groovy Craig (?) 8 track player, Utah speakers