What was your first 'hi-end' system?

Late 1980's-

Magnepan SMGa
Adcom GFA-545
Adcom GTP-500II
Thorens TD-166 Mk. IV
Shure V15 Type 5 MR
Technics CD player, model unknown

Within 3 years that morphed into the following

Magnepan MG2.6R
Bryston 4B
Bryston .5B
Rega Planar 3
Linn K9
Cal Icon

In the late '70s/early '80s, I used Kef Corelli speakers with Audire electronics and a Dual 'table.
I just thought of another early system...hooking my Altec A7s (look 'em up) I used in the 70s for live band stuff to my KLH system sounded amazing...rare, but man...something about those Altecs was so sweet.
Obviously "hi-end" is relative:

Early 70s - Minerva receiver, Webcor turntable w/nickle tonearm tweak, groovy Craig (?) 8 track player, Utah speakers
The one I have now. I call it vintage "Hi-End" Infinity RS-1s run by a Threshold S/300 and Pioneer Spec2. Just waiting for some nice VTLs to try on the top end. Even my CD player is "vintage" 10 year old Pioneer Elite DVD player. All sounds good to me.
1978 with a pair of Kef 105/2, Meridian 105 monos, Oracle Alexandria/FR-14/Dynavector Ruby. Still have the Kefs and Meridians in the closet. Sold the Oracle.