Jeff Rowland is not quite 63 years old and has taken very good care of himself for all of the 35 years I've known him. Worries about his demise are premature at best. Nonetheless, knowing that, I called and had a catching up chat with Kelly Ballard, who has been his office manager for 25 years now.
All is well and she has heard nothing about anyone having service difficulties. She did allow that sometimes there is a piece that presents an unusual problem and needs to be set aside temporarily. That may have been the problem encountered by the OP.
Personally, I cannot recall ever being without some Jeff Rowland built equipment in my stable since 1978. The only equipment problem I can recall (that wasn't my doing) was the failure of the illuminated faceplate on my Consonance preamp. I had bought the unit used when it was 10 years old but Jeff replaced the faceplate and made the unit like new for no charge.
Jeff Rowland gets my vote as one of the most important manufacturers and designers in hi-end audio history. It is only because he did not kiss up to the audio press that you are not much more familiar with his work and his reputation. Check out resale on JRDG products for a rousing testimonial.