most clear, crisp sound power amps, monoblocks ?

what power amps, pre-amps, monoblocks and speakers has the most clear, crisp sound as if you were to it LIVE? which amps, speakers have the best bang for your buck?
This is your first post and this is what you come up with.

a very vague question that encompasses thousands of possible answers. Not to mention you left out about a dozen important qualifiers that anyone with any knowledge of audio would need to make a credible recommendation!

Try again Amigo!
Hey, can we be a little nicer, AG members? Everyone doesn't necessarily have the same background or speak in the same lingo, but that's not a reason to be snarky.

Narcisco, To answer your question politely, everyone will have a different idea of what live music sounds like to them. Therefore, you must try out different types so that you find what sounds live to you. That said, there are many brands that are reputable and of good value, but this is also a hobby in which you can be ripped off if you are new to it. If something sounds good to you and you can afford it, that's the key.
Once you try an OTL amp there's no going back, tubes actually connected directly to the speakers. The cleanest sound I've ever heard! One thing to be aware of with an OTL amp you MUST be aware of the impedance of the speakers and match them accordingly. This is more important than other amp/speaker matching IMO.... not to say this doesn't make a difference with other amps and matching to the correct impedance, it's just more critical with an OTL design.

(Dealer disclaimer)
I think it is a very clear and direct question, "What is best". I recall a famous quote in answering that question, " TO CRUSH YOUR ENEMIES, SEE THEM DRIVEN BEFORE YOU AND TO HEAR THE LAMENTATION OF THIER WOMEN". I think that was either Conan the Barbarian or Michael Fremer. I forget which.
The Klipsh speaker brand makes some crisp sounding models. They have horns for tweeters which can be more forward sounding that way. Speakers have the largest influence on the sound by far, but generally speaking tube amps would be warmer and perhaps not to your liking. Another speaker brand would be Paradigm.

Narcisco that's the thing. It's hard to know what you consider live or crisp vs just plain irritating. It sounds lke you may be newer to the hobby, in which case you would be more than happy with Emotiva electronics. They make good entry level stuff that doesn't cost as much, good bang for buck there. You would be happy with their speakers as well, come to think of it. Maybe phone them directly, they can steer you right.