I have a modded Krell 700 CX right now, you should hear what this amp is doing, very incredible, way, way better than a stock 700cx and 302E, I have listened to the 302E many, many times, never owned one, I have owned or listened to alot other krells over the years,I had the Krell company them selfs do a complete re-build of the inside of my Krell 700cx with all new stock cosmetics to make the amp new looking along with the inside, Krell inserted all kinds of parts inside the amp to make it work with the capacitors that were not stock inside this amp when it was made in 2005, you should see the bag of parts they sent back with the amp that I requested, Huge bag of parts, I was supprised, this costed alot of money to do this, I will keep this amp likly the rest of my life to get my money back out of it, not saying I will not have or get another amp one day, it's just not feasable to sale this at a big loss in money that I have tied up in the amp, cheers.