Krell Duo 300 compared to Evo 302e or 402e?

Hi I am looking for an amp to power some Revel Salon 2s and wondering about these amps. From all I can read it seems that the 302e or 402e would be a good amp for the Salon 2s but the new Duo 300 with it's cooler running demeanor is definitely appealing. I am wondering if anyone out there has compared these or owned both and can shed some light on this?
I also wanted to add, when and if I get another amp, I will stick to the sound I have, meaning, I will obtain a Dan D Agistino amp, The new intergrated amp looks very good if that is what any one wants, in my mind, the krell cx amps was Dans last he soley developed by himself, and the heritage carried onto his new company, The Dan D agistino audio.
Recently went from 302e to Duo 300.
Seems like Krell wants to move to a tube like sound.
Warm but detailed.
Very musical.
Not fatiguing.
makes 302e sound to the cold side.
Great observation Ajpk1971, THAT IS WHY I WENT WITH A MODDED kRELL 700CX versus the 302E amp, I admitt, now you have got my curiosity stirred about the New krell amps, they are priced fair compaired to others out there, congrats on your New Duo 300, did you get to listen to the mono blocks?
I have heard of initial reliability problems with Krell's newest amplifier design. Has anyone else heard the same?

Many Thanks