Replacing Shindo screw type amp binding posts?

I have a Shindo Concertino 300b amp with very basic (and damaged) screw head type speaker binding posts (like the old Mac amps)
Looking to change to more conventional 5 way binding posts. Currently favouring Audio Note Silver terminals or maybe Eichmann Pods.
Has anybody upgraded or had experience doing the same?
Hoping I can achieve a safer and more convenient binding post without affecting the sound.

If it were mine, I would stay with the barrier strip. I know a lot of people don't care for them, but they are very good. They work very well with spade connectors. Not only that, Shindo isn't exactly budget gear. I can't see them using inferior parts. At the very least, give them a call and see what they recommend.
Are you going to remove the entire barrier strip? If not, just adding another connector generally makes the sound a bit worse.
Thanks for the feedback. I've decided to try the change with Audio Note Silver Meishu terminals. They're very simple and have a relatively short post so I'm not adding a lot more metal.
If I don't like I'll go back to a barrier strip. I've found the downside of these is that the very small spade certainly limits cable use - and my Sablon's need something more substantial. Anyway in for a penny in for a pound as they say!
Will report back.
BTW - my Tech is removing the damaged strip and replacing with the AN's directly connected to the existing wiring so we're not changing any of the circuitry.

Thanks all.