Advantages of monoblocks

Hey all,

The merry-go-round, which had stopped for a while, is now showing signs of a slow circular movement. In nautical and financial terms this is usually never a good sign.

Anyhow, I'm running a quite good LSA Statement integrated now, powering de Capo BE monitors. I was wondering if monoblocks and a good pre-amp would be a better way to go?

I last had monoblocks when I ran Rogue M120's about a decade ago befor moving on to an ARC VS-110.

Would monoblocks present a significant advantage over a single amplifier or over the tremendous LSA?

They would have to be used and my budget is $4K max.


Actually, I was wondering about an external DAC. My digital source is a Rotel 1072 - an acknowledged giant killer, but still the weakest part of my system. I looked into DACs about a year ago and nothing came up that people said the Rotel couldn't best.

Any ideas?

As you might surmise from my system I like Ayon gear. They make some DACs that you might consider.
I could consider them, but my budget won't allow them. In fact, that's what I ran up against last time: for what I can spend on a DAC, I may as well keep the 1072.

Also, @Tbg - I had the LSA Signature which I sent off over the winter to John Tucker to upgrade to the Statement.