oppo's volume control

Any Oppo owners out there who have tried routing them directly to a power amp using their volume controls instead of a separate preamp or integrated? Would like to know how that has worked for those who have tried it.
Runnin the Direct channel on the Osiris is RCA -indeed it only has one XLR input.

As it is I haven't even tried XLR-as my current cables were a tad short due to the Osiris having it's XLR at the far end of things.

I have an XLR cable due along with a set of attenuators for both set ups-RCA and XLR just to see how they work out. I was a tad worried about the extra volume on the XLR so I'm buying a pair just to see.

The Osiris has been reviewed as performing better on XLR and my dealer reckons this is also the case so we will see.

Attenuators are relatively cheap-like yourself I have some concerns but I suppose you trust your ears-they can come back out.
That's the fun of this hobby, there are so many options to tinker with! That Rega looks like quite the unit, please update us with your findings.
You aren't alone in your preference for a high quality preamp. They do complete the sonic picture and music sounds more real, natural and less sterile and "hifi". Others prefer a different sound that in their opinion is more accurate or correct. I find this personally to be an incomplete and artificial (stripped of tone, body and vibrancy).This is .one of those topics where there will be forever opposing perspectives ( which is fine with me). There's enough room in this hobby for us all to coexist and choose our own pathway to audio satisfaction. What some would call"pleasing coloration" I hear as natural and honest. Their "accuracy" is my thin and lifeless. So to each their own.
thanks for that, everyone has their preferences but what I don't get are those who insist that theirs are right and any other is wrong. But I agree, to each their own.
Runnin, I have found that there are many nice people on this site with much experience and information to share. Unfortunately you also have a few "know it alls" as well.Best solution is trust what you hear.