Service from Audio Research

I recently brought a pair of ARC Reference 250 from a authorized dealer in Hong Kong. After one week, I noticed one of the mono blocks has problem turning on once it was switched off. It took at least a few hours, sometimes overnight before it can be turn on again.

The amp has been returned to the dealer for more one week and they have no idea what goes wrong. I tried to email to asking for help. They don't even bother to reply. This is very disappointing and bad after sale service.

I wonder if any member has similar experience with ARC?
On more thought Tli. Did you try switching your amp/speaker combo? I realize there is almost a zero possibility that a speaker issue is causing the fault with the amp, but what the heck, what does it hurt to give it a try?
My experience with ARC has also been excellent, albeit simply for fuses, tube recommendations, packaging replacement and such. I've not needed repairs. But Kalvin has been great about replying quickly and follow-up. I'm sure you'll be taken care of in good order, whatever the issue might be.
A dealer's primary obligation must be to his customers. In this case he should be communicating diligently with ARC to quickly resolve the issue without you needing to be involved. A dealer deserves to make a fair profit on the sale, and as part of that implicit agreement he has to be there for you if and when such problems occur, effectively taking ownership of your problem. If the dealer repeatedly ignores your requests or is very slow responding, your options are (1) let ARC know of your dissatisfaction with the dealer, (2) do what you have been doing and get it repaired by an authorized ARC service technician under warranty, and (3) sell the amps after they are repaired and move on to something else less troublesome.

This is not to say that instant response is due, just that weeks or months shouldn't pass before you have your amps back up and running.

Good luck and listening.

If the distributor really can't reproduce the problem you may end up needing to troubleshoot your setup. I would start with the power being delivered to the amp, is it within the proper range and stable?
No 12V on/off is used in my system and my speakers are passive. Only one of the two mono blocks is having problem.

I think the problem is due to a faulty thermal sensor which is too sensitive to shut down amp and only reset itself after it is completely cooled.