Pass Integrated to Pass separates

Hello - I'm considering upgrading my pass int-150 to xp-10 and XA.60.5's (maybe even 100's). The problem I'm facing is my source components aren't the best. I have a vpi scout 2 and a ps audio phone pre, although (this is embarrassing) most of the music I listen to is through sonos. I'm wondering if this upgrade might be pointless and I should instead upgrade my source components first (cd/dac and phono).

One thought I had was to do the upgrade as planned and get an oppo 105 to hold me over until I'm ready for a big boy digital source. The truth in all of this is I'll probably continue to primarily listen through sonos (sorry I love it). What I'm really after is just more of the pass sound, I can't get enough, it's intoxicating. Just wondering if some better quality sources would be more appropriate and I'll get more satisfaction from them alternatively to the pass separates.

I appreciate any advice from the community.

Hi Bo, not to hijack the thread too much, but I am researching Pass amps and thinking about buying one for my Legacy Audio Signature II speakers(very large floorstanders). Do you like the X250.5 much more than the X150.5? Seems like they should sound about the same, except for more power with the X250.5. Also, since you have so much experience with Pass, for the money, which Pass would you recommend for 93dB speakers and moderate listening levels?
The XA60.5 amps may work with your Theos. The amps deliver 60 watts of Class A power at into an 8 ohm speaker, then they switch over to Class A/B mode and can deliver about 130 watts into 8 ohms.

Here are the measurements that Stereophile got from the XA60.5s:

"The needle of the front-panel meter remained just to the left of 12:00 at 8-ohm powers below 60W. At 60W it moved slightly to the right, reaching 1:00 at 100W into 8 ohms and 1:30 at 120W. Specified as putting out 60W into 8 ohms (17.8dBW), the XA60.5 considerably exceeded that power, delivering, at 1% THD, 130W into 8 ohms (21.1dBW, fig.4), 210W into 4 ohms (20.2dBW, fig.5), and 330W into 2 ohms (19.2dBW, fig.6). The THD starts to rise above the noise floor at high powers, but is very low at powers of a few watts with a 1kHz signal, even into 2 ohms."

I would talk to the people at Pass or Martin Logan to see if that is enough power for your Theos.
When you have a 93 db speaker, and you don't want to spend much money. The XA30.5 will be more than ehough. I loved the amp for the money. I never heard this level for this price.
The difference in control, drive, resolution between the XA60.5 and 100.5 were big. That is why my personal favorites are the XA30.5 and 100.5.
Here's another question for you with Pass experience. With the X series amps, Pass says they operate in class A up to a certain level of wattage output, say, for example, 10 watts, while the XA30.5 is rated for 30 watts class A.

So, for someone with 93dB speakers like me, and who listens at soft to moderate sound levels, BOTH amps should be operating in class A, right? But from user observations and comments, one would conclude that the XA30.5 still sounds better. Is there a difference between the class A operation of the XA30.5 and the X150.5 AT 5 to 10 watts output? It is important to know this, because those two amps are available around the same price!