Best $600 integrated for Monitor Audio RX-2?

Hello Audiogoners,
I just acquired a pair of Monitor Audio RX-2 from a fellow Audiogoner and now I am looking for a ~$600 (used/new) integrated to drive them. Most stuff I read comes from home theater forums (my setup is stereo), and I could not find many options within my price range

One caveat: the amp needs to be 50/60 Hz (220v selectable even better!), since I am taking it with me to Argentina by the end of this year.

Room: approx 16 x 13 ft.

What do you guys think I should get within that price range? I read Marantz, Rega, NAD, and Arcam pair well with the Monitor Audio RX series("neutral toward bright" speakers?), but sound varies from model to model, both within and between brands. Thus, I need your advise!

Thanks a lot in advance

I have to agree with the Onkyo(Integra) thing and it's 3D capabilities. I have a vintage pair of Klipsch Heresys(updated crossovers, tweeter) and the Integra DTM-40.4 stereo receiver driving them. This may sound crazy but before the Integra, I had a wonderful Luxman R-117 receiver and it was without a doubt the best sounding single piece of gear I had ever owned. It was powerful, warmish but with incredible detail, and the imaging/soundstage was unbelievable.

I found the DTM-40.4 on C-list and picked it up for a secondary system but demoed it with the Heresys. I could not believe my ears, it had about 80% the bass drive of the R-117, but trumped it in all other catagories, 3D imaging and detail.

I agonized for over a week between which would drive the Heresys and the Integra won out. Who would have thought? One fact that helped my decision to keep the Integra in it's place was it's network capabilities(wired and wireless) with Spotify and Pandora tuners on board, and it's ability to play music files from my PC.

The Onkyo TX-8050 is the Onkyo model of the Integra DTM-40.4

Bo, see you haven't changed since last year. Besides peddling the same brands you sell, your still spurting your same subjective opinions as facts too. But here's your chance to prove me wrong...Could you tell us what the test parameters were and do you have written results of your...

"I did do thousends of tests in audio for almost 16 years of time. I test every single amp of it is 2 or 3 dimensional."

In 30 plus years, I have never seen a specification for the "dimensionality" of an amp or how one would test for it other than simply listening. What testing equipment do you use?

Luciano, for your needs, I think your looking in the right direction at the Arcam or Rega. Both appear to be able to get the job done. Still, hope you get some honest opinions from actual users of these amps. Personally I like the Arcam as it is a full sized component. The 1/2 sized width of the Rega would bug me - but this is only a matter of aesthetics. Good luck brother!
I sell even a lot Onkyo surr. receivers for people who use only stereo. Because I can use 4 amps for stereo use.

The Onkyo will use the full capacity of the transformer also when you use 2 or 4 channels.

With Audyssey you get more precision as well.

My focus is only on the best sound. I also do a lot business with the distributer who also does Arcam. They asked me if I want to do Arcam again. When focus is only on 3 d it is shame not to use it.

The distributer of Arcam said to me at my home: Arcam does not have this sharp focus and deph.

Paraneer: I know exactly were I am talking about. This it not about good sound, it is Always about getting the best for the money.

I can get everything for dealer prices. I only work with those which can give me the best results. That is a decision I take. Because it gives me the best sound to compete. Things can be very easy in life.

Marantz and Pioneer: both 2 dimensional brands. For example people who buy Monitor Audio speakers by me and have Marantz amplifiers. I Always take an Onkyo with me.

The difference in sharpness in individual focus and stage wide and deth is huge. Then you understand what 3 D gives. Audio can be easy and convincing, so keep it easy. I still use shops who sell 2 dimensional amps. It is a lot of fun and it makes me laugh how low the knowdledge is in audio in general.
For 600 dollar I would buy a 727 or 626. Go for the older models with Audyssey when you want to play 5.1. Only choose for the new ones if you use only stereo.

I did test the new Onkyo amps for Onkyo Benelux 2 weeks ago.