Best $600 integrated for Monitor Audio RX-2?

Hello Audiogoners,
I just acquired a pair of Monitor Audio RX-2 from a fellow Audiogoner and now I am looking for a ~$600 (used/new) integrated to drive them. Most stuff I read comes from home theater forums (my setup is stereo), and I could not find many options within my price range

One caveat: the amp needs to be 50/60 Hz (220v selectable even better!), since I am taking it with me to Argentina by the end of this year.

Room: approx 16 x 13 ft.

What do you guys think I should get within that price range? I read Marantz, Rega, NAD, and Arcam pair well with the Monitor Audio RX series("neutral toward bright" speakers?), but sound varies from model to model, both within and between brands. Thus, I need your advise!

Thanks a lot in advance

I posted earlier, but it must have been lost in the monitoring process.

I was referring to the original Roksan integrated not the Kandy. It listed for $1,500 new and if you can find one it should be close to your price range.

I think there is a picture on my system page. Mine is now in my office system.
I'm fan of Sansui AU 5500
Invest into asis and than provide restoration service.
This unit is still superior to the modern ones IMHO.
About 6 months ago I purchased a YBA Audio Refinement complete for $600- used. Not only is it a built like a tank with aluminum remote it sounds fantastic. It is a bit laid back and almost tube like. I am powering a pair of Joseph Audio RM7 monitors and I'm very content. This has been one of my best audio purchases in years.
Yes, I read very good things about YBA. I looked for an Audio Refinement Integrated within my budget and I could not find any yet. I guess the Complete doesn't have a phono section, right?