Amp to replace Audio Research D200

HI all

My beloved 20 something year old D200 has experienced death by cat (don't ask!) and has to be replaced. I can probably allocate $1500 to this task. My preamp is an AR LS2 and I've got an AR transport and an Enlightened Audio Designs DAC all driving a pair of first generation VR4 speakers. OK, so I'm old, what can I say :)

Any recommendations for a replacement amp? BTW, looks like D200s are going for about $1000 used now, so that's a possibility.

Thanks for any advice
It might be best to stick with what you know and love rather than experiment with the unknown and be disappointed.
If you liked the D200 and don't plan on changing other components in your system, I like the idea of buying another D200 and sending it to ARC for new caps, general refurb. Otherwise there are many good amps in your price range.
"05-16-14: Roxy54
It might be best to stick with what you know and love rather than experiment with the unknown and be disappointed."

I have to agree. The D200, 300 and 400's were some very good sounding amps. They've been out of production for quite some time now but I remember how much I used to like them. Do you have somewhere that you can bring the amp in and at least see if it can be fixed for a reasonable price?