SMC McCormack or Vincent Pwr Amp

I am considering upgrading from my Aragon 4004 mkII to possibly an SMC DNA 1 or a comparable Voncent Power Amp. Any suggestions as the wether either of these is a step up over what I currently have and the preferrred manufacturer?
Hi Jimbones

I checked the archives and found an old discussion post regarding Aragon vs. McCormack.

It may shed a little light on the topic at hand. McCormack got the nod in the previous discussion.

Things may have changed though. Sorry if you saw this thread already.
The speakers are my own build, Hybrid open baffles around 88db, 3 way design (doesn't tell you much, I know :(

It seems that most people are saying that a modded DNA will outperform a Aragon. In other circles it was suggested that I look at something "newer" such as Parasound.
Steve McCormack provides some of the best support in the business. His modded amps are among the best SS amps i have ever heard. Disclaimer- I'm now a "tube" believer, so haven't heard too many ss amps recently.
You know, just for a different set of options...have you thot about some of the class d amps? I had a DNA 1 w/ what was called the Rev. A mods for close to 15 years and they are indeed great amps and Steve is super to deal w/. But I took the jump over to class d w/ the Wyred mAmps and couldn't be happier. Like the DNA they are passive friendly to boot. Just a thot.