VAC Signature Mk IIa Preamplifier with phono?

I have just ordered the Signature Mk IIa Preamplifier line stage. I currently own a Aesthetix Rhea signature. My question is this. Should I add the phono section to the VAC in order to improve upon my current Rhea phono preamp?
Sorry for my misunderstanding, Skinzy. It was due to your previous post stating that the MM load goes to 480 ohms, while you would actually use the 'MC' gain setting with your low output MI Grado cartridge.
Skinzy, If you don't think VAC phono works in your situation, why ask for opinions in making a purchase?
Hifimaniac, I am desperate to add the phono as it's not really a cost issue but the MM Load only goes to 480 ohms which will kill the treble. Any way to solve this?
Skinzy, since you have a low output MM, you would select the MC input selector on the phono Kevin installs and play with the ohms setting once you have it connected. Call Kevin Hayes at VAC and discuss my suggestion, but I think you will be fine. You will use the MC option so you will have a boost in output. If you ever buy a higher output cartridge, then the MM input. Good luck and happy listening.
Yes! Absolutely. You are going to be over the moon with this new preamp.

I own the Renaissance with phono. The Sig iia is fabulous. Congrats.