Lowend Preamp on a budget.

I have about $600 dollars to spend for a used preamp for a second home. What would be my best bang for the buck.

I concur with Schubert. The EE Minimax posted here on Agon is a no brainer for $600. I had a TAD Signature 150 preamp which is also a great preamp for its price point. I sold my mint unit several years back for $675 if I recall correctly. There's one currently posted on Agon but at $925 its over priced. The EE preamp is a great choice. Worse case you try it and flip it for close to the same price if you are not satisfied with it.
Good luck
b&k has been my my go-to for inexpensive preamps--i've owned at various times the cs117, pt5, ref30 and pro10. i find 'em less colored and more transparent that adcom/rotel/nad and better built as well. can be had really cheap. per georgelofi, if your system allows a passive can be very cost-efficient--i liked the luminous audio axiom.
I say get an Emotiva USP-1 and call it day. It can be found for under $300 used. It is a quality built preamp with a very good phono stage. Emotiva customer support is very good too.
06-09-14: Mapman

Good stuff, as usual!

Thanks Mapman.
But me think's it may'th fallen on deaf ears.

Cheers George