High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?

This is a spin off from a meeting held by audio designers where the primary discussion was about high-end audio and how to get the younger generation interested & involved in high-end audio. One of the speakers mentioned that his son was not the least bit interested in his rig and if something was to happen to him, his son stated it all would be put up for sale on Ebay.

I thought it would be interesting to put this discussion forth to this audio community and to get opinions on the above subject. Are audiophiles a dying breed and what could rekindle this hobby for all new generations.
It's just not as hard nor expensive to get very high quality sound these days. It's becoming more of a commodity, like most popular things technical do over time.

So audio is gaining higher ground in this sense, but its a totally different world and set of rules. Most people just want to listen and enjoy, not dwell on things as is the norm with "high end audio".

Whether its al for the better or not is probably a matter of perspective, but the old school audiophile mentality is definitely an endangered species.

Best to get with the times and just ride the wave, perhaps?
Macrojack, your comments are right on. Audiophiles as a group are in horrible denial about the future. Reminds me of one of the 12 step programs.
Macrojack and others of a similar opinion. While there is value in being "realistic" in one's outlook on any given subject, sometimes this "realism" is nothing more than cynicism and counterproductive negativity masquerading as pragmatism if one considers all the facts and related issues. In my opinion the topic of this discussion is of a higher order than most as it is linked to something of undeniably great value: music. Call me naive, but music and all that relates to quality production of it is best served by honoring it with a more uplifting and hopeful attitude; in keeping with the purpose of music itself. The pursuit and discussion of quality music reproduction is far more than discussion about the different types of makeup that a cover girl may use as someone cynically suggested in an earlier post. The fact that for some the high-end is only a status symbol is irrelevant. For many of us it is about maximizing what music listening has to offer; even if not necessary. I don't believe that this is a pursuit that will stop having supporters in a substantial way as long as there is quality music being produced by artists; and, if one understands the true nature of art it will be with us as long as we are.
Frogman - You seem to be conflating two topics here. Just as spirituality existed for centuries before churches co-opted it, so too did music exist for eons before electricity enabled the music industry. The beauty and majesty, the spiritual uplift, that you treasure in your music does not depend on electronic conveyance of a type or quality. It emanates from the human spirit and cannot be suppressed by opinion, data or my presentation of statistical inevitability.

I've often wondered if our pursuit of an ever greater high in listening to and striving for rapture amounts to anything more than trying to capture the high without the drugs. Marijuana played an enormous role in the birth of hi-end audio mass consumption and will (if anything can) be instrumental in its revival.
Insofar as press reports indicate that headphones are the only segment of the audio hardware biz that is growing, I have to speculate that the future of music enjoyment will be more personal - just as the pursuit of spirituality trends that way. As pot gains wider acceptance, maybe, just maybe, it will return to stoned listening circles something like we formed back in the day. More likely, in this computer age, it stays portable and private. Cans and wax are the future.
We are history. We played a damned important part, though. Look back at how much of the 1960s era social change has come to fruition and how much is just unfolding. Our society will never learn to think. That doesn't prevent the human spirit from doing the right thing in spite of itself and the meddling of religions.
That's whatI'm celebrating today, the 4th of July.