I had a similiar setup as Wrm57, a pair of Bryston 28sst's paired with a VAC phi beta tubed preamp, powering my Venture Speakers...and it was not a musical match. When I switched in my new Hegel H-30, as a single stereo amp, and paired it with a EnKlein power cord, then I created magic. Just because the Bryston is capable of incredible power doesn't mean it always delivers the fine, subtle music cues and sonic deapth and detail that makes our hobby so captivating. But as always, these things are system dependent, with synergy.Have not heard your speakers. The single stereo Hegel will be less expensive than a pair of your mono's..I also had an Ayon CD5-s, and switched to a computer set up with Oppo dac, and Playback design dac, and found them both to be better than my Ayon...good luck with your search...