Bryston 28B-SST2 or Karan Acoustics KA-S 600 ?

Hello everyone, i'm new on this forum.
I would like to build a new system with Thiel CS 3.7 speakers.
Therefore i need advice on a good amp to drive these speakers well.
I was thinking of Bryston's monos 28B-SST2 or the Karan Acoustics KA-S 600 stereo amp.
Price wise here in Europe the Bryston sales for 10370 € and the Karan for 21900 €.
The is a big difference in price and i would be surprised if the Karan was twice as better than the Bryston.
If any of you have experience whith these 2 amps please tell me what you think.
My source will be a tube streamer : the Ayon Audio S5.

Any of you have compared the Bryston 7B to the 28B in sound quality ?
The 28B beeing the flagship i guess there is a difference apart from the power difference.
Never heard the 7B-SST2 myself. I think the Bryston position is that the sound character is the same, just scaled for greater power with the 28B. However, a friend had them both and thought the 28B sounded quite a bit better, with more ease, depth, and warmth. He now runs his with an Aesthetix Callisto and loves the combo.
06-29-14: Thieliste
Any of you have compared the Bryston 7B to the 28B in sound quality ?
The 28B beeing the flagship i guess there is a difference apart from the power difference.
Yes, I have a friend that is using 28B with his MBL 101e. I lost count the # of SS amps he auditioned before finally settled on the 28B. He said 28B is much much superior and not just more power.
In the hundreds of times that I've heard Bryston amplifiers in recording studios - I've never thought of them as forward, or "un musical".

It's true, Bryston claims that their amps all sound the same - they just get more powerful, if you spend more.

Thieliste, I'd definitely recommend Brystons for your Thiels - just figure out how much power you'll need and get the smallest amplifier that you'll need for the speakers/room. It might be overkill to get the most expensive amp in the Bryston line - there's no magic dust with the more powerful amps - just more power.
I had a similiar setup as Wrm57, a pair of Bryston 28sst's paired with a VAC phi beta tubed preamp, powering my Venture Speakers...and it was not a musical match. When I switched in my new Hegel H-30, as a single stereo amp, and paired it with a EnKlein power cord, then I created magic. Just because the Bryston is capable of incredible power doesn't mean it always delivers the fine, subtle music cues and sonic deapth and detail that makes our hobby so captivating. But as always, these things are system dependent, with synergy.Have not heard your speakers. The single stereo Hegel will be less expensive than a pair of your mono's..I also had an Ayon CD5-s, and switched to a computer set up with Oppo dac, and Playback design dac, and found them both to be better than my Ayon...good luck with your search...