tube vs SS preamp

Several months ago I retired my SS power amp in favor of a Jolida 502P. Currently I'm using a Forte model F-44 SS preamp. I really like the change to tubes but now I'm questioning whether or not I should switch to a tube preamp as well. I would like to hear any feedback.
I have the same Jolida amp. Love it. I feel that the cleanest preamp you can buy of any type is the way to go...I use a balanced dual mono Kavent (re-badged Vincent) because I like having XLRs out to the amp and very quiet sources, but that's just me. If I had a tubed preamp I'd be fiddling with the tubes all the time and the tubed preamps I find attractive are very expensive (reference ARC, Cary SLP 05), and for me the amp tubes provide enough rolling fun.
Only way to know for sure is to try.

My own perspective is to keep things neutral and tubes to the minimum accordingly. A few tubes + clean and neutral otherwise = the best soup I find.

OF course tube gear can be very neutral as well, but gotta choose carefully and might cost a premium. To date, I've found that like any good thing, tubes can be overdone.

If you have a good tube amp and speakers to match, I personally would not feel the need for more, but that's just me.
I actually have the same Jolida amp and the Kavent S33 preamp like the wolf man has. The Jolida 502P has matches up really well with the Kavent S33 preamp as well as a vintage Accuphase C200 preamp I have in my main system. Both are solid state. I did try the Jolida with a budget tube preamp. It was a Grant Fidelity DAC-09 that had a tube output and a volume control. The sound was somewhat impacted by the DAC-09. Depending on the tubes I used in the DAC-09 I got a slight bump in the mid-range. With getting a tube preamp and/or DAC the tube rolling combinations would get maddening.

I say keep things as is if you are find the combination enjoyable. If it isn't broke try not to fix it. Tweaking can be a money losing effort for you.