tube vs SS preamp

Several months ago I retired my SS power amp in favor of a Jolida 502P. Currently I'm using a Forte model F-44 SS preamp. I really like the change to tubes but now I'm questioning whether or not I should switch to a tube preamp as well. I would like to hear any feedback.
Solid state is like a well done hamburger, not juicy, hard textured, not as flavorful, but certainly safer.

Spring for the tube preamp.
If you have a tube amp it makes sense to have a tube preamp. The usual route most go is the opposite of what you have,tube preamp and solid state power amp. Go with tubes all the way!
Hi again Al2214

Another you can do is keep your existing preamp and add a tube source to your system. I've added a Pro-Ject Tube Box 2 phono preamp and a Eastern Electric Minimax DAC to the system with the Jolida 502P and it has been a positive experience so far.
Tube pre's are great, until a tube fails and takes 10K worth of speaker with it.
Can you please explain what that means? I do not know much about tubes - honest. In a tubed preamp - how long do the tubes last? What is required for maintenance?
