Preachtree Nova220se compared to Devialet

Trying to assemble a decent system here, aside from not sure on speakers (deciding between Focal 1038be, Salk SoundScape8 and Aerial 7T) I am trying to figure out what the best way to power the speakers.

Here is what I am trying to accomplish, starting from ground zero with no components yet. I have a large iTunes library and zero CD's. I have no problem buying the 25-30 CD's that I really want high quality sound from. Not sure what the quality of my iTunes library is and I doubt all the CD's I had were imported as lossless.

I'll be going with the Oppo BR/DVD player and am not sure on power. I had a chance to check out the traditional integrated offerings from Krell, etc., and also had a demo of the Peachtree Nova220se and the Devialet. Really liked the sound of the Devialet but it is $16,000 whereas the Peachtree is about $2000. That is a huge price difference.

So my question really is will the Peachtree 220se be a good choice to power either Focal 1038be/Salk SoundScape 8/Aerial 7T speakers?
I'm glad Recred1 pointed that out, about Aerial using the Peachtree at one of their shows. I agree - they could use any of dozens of integrated amps to power their speakers at a show, and the fact that they went with a Peachtree says a lot.

The point, though, isn't to say that Peachtree specifically is the end all be all. It's that maybe one of the problems in hanging out here on the Audiogon forums is that there are a lot of wealthy people here. They're not all highly affluent, of course, but quite a few are. There are a lot of people who wouldn't even look twice at anything from Peachtree, they're way beyond that in terms of budget and climbing the audio scale. They spend more on audio than many of us will spend on a home. And if you read enough of that, it's easy to dismiss some really good equipment down here in the $2000-5000 range. I'm not saying that's happening here in this thread, but it happens.

If you hang out with Ferrari or Maserati guys all day long, it might seem like a real drag to have to do your car shopping at a Subaru or Mazda dealership, which is a shame because they make really good cars. The same happens here with audio equipment, when the truth is that for the vast majority of audio listeners a Peachtree (or an NAD, or Hegel, or Bel Canto, or Wyred4Sound, etc.) connected to a pair of Aerial speakers will be audio heaven. Not just mediocre sound, or ok sound, but really nice sound that you can live with for a long time.
I submit this hobby is so much easier than we make it! Decide on how much money you want to spend and start listening. What complicates our hobby is all of the different "OPINIONS" and it's impossible to have a home audition of every piece of gear.

If you have 16K to spend, try to listen to 3-5 amps in that price range. Despite knowing that spending thousands more often equates to subtle differences, if I had 16K to spend I would listen to Ayre, Pass, Bryston, Parasound, and Bel Canto.
I'll admit that I'm all over the place on this. Been out of this for so long everything is brand new to me. Especially the source and streaming part. What ever happened to walking over to the CD player, going through your 300 CD's and picking an album to listen to? Really like the idea on having high quality recordings on a PC/harddrive and being able to control it via an app.

Stil undecided on speakers, just listened to Salk SoundScape 8's this morning. Not sure where I stand on the 3 different speakers but will listen to the Focal 1038 and Aerial 7T at least once more before making a decision.

Haven't heard a lot of different pre/amp combos. The Devialet did sound best of the few, but no way I'm spending that kind of money. Have to remember I am essentially coming from nothing and anything I pick will be awesome.

Did hear an entry level Cambridge integrated amp, didn't like the sound at all.

As far a budget, thinking about 8K on speakers (preowned or good dealer price) and around 3K or less for the pre/amp. Maybe an integrated with DAC will be a good choice. Also not married to the Oppo but though that would be a good unit to double as a DVD player to the TV.

Thanks for listening and the suggestions!

Not ruling out the Peachtree Nova220se but maybe the Hegel h300 is a "better" choice.