Emotiva XPA - 1 mono blocks.

So before all the audiophiles burn me at the stake please here me out! I pulled the trigger on a set of these mono's due to a couple of factors.

1. While I throughly enjoyed hoppy as much as the next person. I do have a wife and childeren so my budget restricts me from buying $5k plus amps.

2. I had $2k to spend on amplification up grade. Everything I found by the big names for 2k was 15 to 20 yrs. old and i was scared to pick up someting that would be an expensive repair/update within a year of buying due to the age of the unit.

So my question is arethere any real world experiance with the XPA 1's out there that can give an unbiased/fair review of the amps? Again I don't expectthem to compete with mcintosh or krell amps at their price point. But I would expect them to compete with say Rotel/parasound units that are in the same price range.
Junkie, the Emotiva amps should be a pretty good match for your speakers. The XPA-1 has quite a bit of capacitance and current capability. This should result in a fairly "authoritative" bottom end.

The X series of Emo amps do exhibit a bit of sibilance when new, but this diminishes with use. And since you are buying used this should not be an issue.

The best advice we can give you is to get 'em into your room/system and give them a fair listen. For the money you spent, I doubt you could do much better. And since you bought used, the depreciation has already occurred. You should be able to sell them for about what you paid should the need arise....

OK so I got to play with the XPA mono's for just a little while today and must say that I wasn't disappointed with what I herd. I will have more time tommorow to evaluate them and will update at that time...
Hopefully it turned out good for you, I'm certain you'll never need more power!
Runnin. Yes they turned out very well for me and my currentr set up: Dunlavy SC4 speakers, Musical Fidelity CD Pre 24, and now the Emotiva XPA 1's very simple set but very musical and very dynamic. While I havent herd many of the mega buck amps which I am sure sound better than the Emo's. Now having the EMO's I deffiently understand why so many folks point out the law of diminishing returns. I have owned Macintosh amps and must say while the Mac's are a little warmer which is to my taste. I must say the EMO's are not far behind the Mac's I have owned. These will be with me for a long time. Even if I get a chance to up grade to some of the mega mono blocks the EMO's will always have a place in the man cave!