Tand- I'm not sure, apart from old issues of the Tube Valley? magazine, maybe Glass Audio, mentioned above, that you'll find much in the way of scientific comparisons of tubes. There are tube data sheets for many tubes that are available for old tubes that compare specs. If you run a search for tube data sheets, you'll see what I mean, but other than electrical compatability, not sure those will tell you much about the sound.
What I was referring to was less of a commercial review, and more about user experience posting comparisons of different tubes in a given component (recognizing that different circuits may affect the outcome). I have posted such comments in various fora regarding comparisons of various rectifier tubes and my experience in rolling tubes in one of my phono stages. Garcia's reference to The Tube Store can also be supplemented by descriptions of various tubes on the Tubeworld website. I've bought a number of NOS tubes from him over the years. Good luck.
What I was referring to was less of a commercial review, and more about user experience posting comparisons of different tubes in a given component (recognizing that different circuits may affect the outcome). I have posted such comments in various fora regarding comparisons of various rectifier tubes and my experience in rolling tubes in one of my phono stages. Garcia's reference to The Tube Store can also be supplemented by descriptions of various tubes on the Tubeworld website. I've bought a number of NOS tubes from him over the years. Good luck.